
Local Historical Newspaper Portal

A digitization project funded by The Friends of the Englewood Library. This online portal allows the user to see the actual newspaper paper digitized. The local newspaper covered are the Englewood Press (1890-1945) and The Press Journal (1945-1982).

Facts on File: American History

Reference databases on science, literature, history and multicultural issues
— all you need is a valid Englewood Library library card. Please note that access may be restricted if your card has excessive fines or is expired.

Jersey Clicks

New Jersey’s statewide portal for searching the statewide full-text databases.
JerseyCat, Job & Career Accelerator, Novelist, ReferenceUSA, and Rosetta Stone
are some of the high quality databases offer by JerseyClicks. If you have Internet access you can search for high quality information 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by visiting your local public library or by entering your New Jersey public library card number.


This resource offers an extensive collection of scholarly journal and popular magazine abstracts and full-text articles.

Consumer Reports

With Consumer Reports, you can find important information about the quality of a product before you make a purchase. Get advice on what you need to know before investing in something new. Accessible to all Englewood Library Patrons.

Patrons of the Englewood Public Library can access thousands of tutorial lessons on a wide variety of topics, from writing, art, music, graphic design, and business skills like Microsoft Office and Adobe.