NASHLEY JIMENEZ Former Dwight Morrow Student Pequeños  Fragmentos De Mi Memoria2020Water Color Pequeños  Fragementos, or small fragments, depicts sixteen memories related to Nashley’s immigration story. Nashley moved to Englewood, NJ at the age of 8 because her mother...


ORLANDO JIMENEZ Freshman at Bergen Community College Learning About A Different Heritage2020 Digital Illustration Orlando Jimenez is a Latino artist born in El Salvador and raised in the United States. Orlando draws his artistic inspiration from Japanese comic books...

Melissa Zapata

Melissa Zapata Dwight Morrow’s apprenticeship program allowed me to contribute to my community by working at a small business called Aylwards ll Health Food Store. I have built strong relationships with the owners of the company and now consider them my family. The...

Kimberlyn Avendaño

Kimberlyn Avendaño Kimberlyn Avendaño held by her father, _____ and mother, Location Information:  Avendaño household Releases:  Yes Avendaño family at Jailyn’s confirmation. Location Information:  St. Cecilia Releases:  Yes Avendaño family portrait celebrating...

Victor Hernandez

Victor Hernandez These photos are from exactly a year ago. We do not have much family here in the USA and barely get to spend time as a whole. These are photos from those few times my uncle and his family have visited us (since they moved to VA a couple of years ago)....