Getting A Library Card

Getting a Library Card

In order to assure equal access to library materials and services by the residents of the
City of Englewood, the following policy shall be in effect:
Issuance of a Library Borrower’s Card
All applications for a library borrower’s card must be completed in the library.

1. Residents

Any current resident of the City of Englewood who is at least four years old and can write his or her name may complete an application for a library borrower’s card. Borrower cards for residents are provided at no charge. Proof of residency must be established using one of the following:

  • Valid New Jersey driver’s license with the current street address
  • Lease or property deed
  • Utility bill or other significant mailed item delivered via U.S. Mail. Mail addressed

to a post office box number will not be accepted without a street address noted.  Applications from children between the ages of four and eighteen must be signed by a parent or legal guardian residing in Englewood and providing proof of residency. The signature of the parent or legal guardian on behalf of a minor child constitutes acknowledgment of responsibility for all items charged to the card. The borrower’s card will be issued for a three-year period and is renewable upon verification of address.

2. Non-Residents

An employee of the City of Englewood, or an employee or owner of a business located within the City of Englewood, is eligible to apply for a library courtesy borrower’s card. A letter on company letterhead listing the company name, address and the individual’s name will be used as proof of local employment.
Individuals who attend school in Englewood, but do not live in a town with a BCCLS library, are also eligible for a courtesy card upon appropriate documentation. Courtesy cards are issued for a one-year period and are renewable upon verification of employment or school enrollment. Courtesy borrower cards for non-residents are provided at no charge. The use of courtesy cards is limited to materials owned by the Englewood Public Library; access to reciprocal borrowing from other libraries in BCCLS is not supported.