Looking for the latest best-sellers?
With your Englewood Public Library card you have FREE access to our entire library collection.
Borrow audiobooks, download eBooks, watch movies, browse video games, and more. For more information on how to utilize these services, please contact our reference librarians at reference@englewood.bccls.org.

Englewood Public Library has a collection of over 70,000 books. We carry materials in English, Spanish and Korean.
With your library card, you can place holds on popular titles to be held for you when they become available. You can also request books from any of the 77 BCCLS libraries and have them sent to Englewood.
To browse our selection of books, please visit the BCCLS Catalog.

The Englewood Public Library offers a selection of music CDs from a variety of artists, genres, and eras.
To browse our selection or make a hold request, please visit the BCCLS Catalog.

Libby by Overdrive is where you’ll find our largest collection of ebooks. It is free and accessible on your smartphone, tablet, computer or eReader. Simply download the app, log in with your library card number, and get started.
To browse ebooks on your computer, you can also visit the eBCCLS OverDrive collection.
Hoopla Digital provides immediate access to comics, ebooks, and more on your computer or mobile devices with your valid Englewood Public Library card.

The library offers a wide variety of CD audiobooks and Playaways, or pre-loaded audiobooks, ideal for listening on the go.
We also have a wide variety of downloadable eAudiobooks that are accessible on most tablets and smartphones.
Find audiobooks on the Libby app, or on Hoopla Digital with your Englewood Library card number.

Movies and TV Shows
The Englewood Public Library has a wide variety of DVD and Blu-Ray films and television series for children and adults.
We also provide access to streamable movies and television through Hoopla Digital and Kanopy. Download the Hoopla Digital app using your smartphone or tablet, or access it in your web browser.
Kanopy offers a collection of over 30,000 documentaries, classic and indie films that are free to watch with your Englewood Library card.

The library’s newest collection includes a selection of video games for such platforms as Nintendo Switch, Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X. Video games can be borrowed or requested for free with any valid BCCLS library card. Educational games are available in the Children’s Room in the form of Playaway Launchpads. These preloaded tablets each come equipped with 10 different learning apps and are available to borrow for free with your library card.