Rules Of Conduct

Rules-Of Conduct

The following are not permitted on the library premises:

  • eating
  • the drinking of beverages other than bottled drinks
  • sleeping
  • using the ringer function on cell phones, or conducting cell phone conversations in areas other than the first floor lobbies
  • playing audio equipment at a level where others can hear it
  • carrying a firearm or any item brought into the library for the purpose of use as a weapon (except for law enforcement officers)
  • bringing animals into the library except those needed to assist a disabled patron, or as part of a library program
  • bringing rollerblades, bicycles, scooters or skateboards inside the building
  • misusing the restrooms (i.e. as a laundry or bathing facility)
  • talking loudly, making noise or engaging in any other behavior that is disruptive to other patrons
  • interfering with another person’s use of the library, or with library personnel’s performance of their duties
  • throwing objects
  • being inappropriately attired (e.g. shoeless, shirtless)

Refusal to comply with the above regulations, when brought to a patron’s attention by an employee of the library, or continued violation of these provisions shall result in expulsion and/or loss of library privileges.

Persons who (a) damage or alter library property (including materials and equipment); (b) steal library materials; (c) physically harm staff or patrons or (d) threaten, harass, or verbally abuse staff or patrons are subject to prosecution and shall have library privileges revoked.