Friends of The Library


Donations: Dorothy Nelsen-Gille at or 201-927-7082

Book Sale Appointments:

The Friends of the Englewood Library is a nonprofit organization comprised of volunteers who are dedicated to supporting and enriching the Englewood Public Library. Your membership dollars help purchase numerous materials and fund programs in addition to what is provided through the library’s annual budget.

Directors and Officers

The elected Directors and Officers for a 2-year term as of January 2023 are:

President –  Dee Helm

Treasurer –  Louise Schwartz

Secretary –  Dorothy Nelsen-Gille

Co-Chairs Book Sale –  Birgitha Tray and Margareta Tuckman

Membership –  Carol Bodian

Publicity –  Irmari Nacht 

Nominating Committee    Irmari NachtBobbie Bouton Goldberg, Louise Schwartz 

 Members –  Ella Urdang, Kathy Silberstein, Lisa Levien, Margot Lee

Active Non-Board Member –  Cynthia Sumner

Active Non-Board Member – Lorraine Kapakjian

Among the projects requested by the library are

Program Budget 2023 —
Programming for Children, Teens and Adults:

  • $ 7,000 Children’s Programs, including Summer Reading Programs
  • $ 5,000 Teen Programs, including Summer Reading
  • $15,000 Adult Programming
  • $5,000 Museum Passes
  • $4,500 ESL Materials and Services
    $36,500 Total

Digitization Update — Digital copies of Englewood Press can now be accessed at the library’s website • Other items we could digitize are Bergen News 1993-1999, Englewood Press 1890-1893, and Englewood Standard 1879-1882.

The board approved to appropriate $35,000.

Friends of the Library Goals:

  • To support the library in the ways that are beneficial for the community as determined by library staff and the Board of Trustees
  • To help the library gather enough resources to support the growth of library programming and events
  • To increase Friends membership and engagement with the community
  • To continue to grow the annual book sales, increasing the amount of funds raised for library services and equipment
  • To assist with public relations efforts on behalf of the library Book Sale & Volunteer Opportunities

We are always pleased to welcome new volunteers.

Join the Friends Today!

Please take a moment to print out and complete The Friends Membership Form. If you want to be notified about upcoming book sales and other events, please print your e-mail address on it. We look forward to your support of one of the true assets of our community.

We look forward to having you as a part of our wonderful organization!